Mauro Mazzucato
Born in Rome in 1935, member of the Bar since 1960 in Bologna, admitted to practice before trial and appellate courts.

He graduated in civil law procedures from the University of Bologna in 1958.
He has extensive complex litigation experience as a practicing attorney and as a legal counsel in civil law, particularly in hereditary successions, in insurance law, in auto accident liability, in medical and professional liability. He also took several cases related to pharmaceutical law. He studied in depth trust law and its enforcement. In addiction to his practice, he worked as a mediator in several cases.
He is the author of "Briefs notes about interpretations by the Costitutional Court in Relation to the Art. 22 of Law 990/69 (in Resp. civ. prev., 1974, p. 88)" and of "Nature of the Contract between the Injured Party and the Insurance in Law n. 990/69" (ibidem, p. 92)".
In 2011 he was awarded by the Bar for his fifty years of practice ("Golden Gown").
He loves classical music, reading, hiking; he is interested in art and travels.