
Avv. Barbara Castaldi
Born in Bologna, on the third of June, 1969, member of the Bar since 2007. She graduated in procedural law from the University of Bologna in 1994.
Her areas of practice are civil law and hereditary succession, property law (contracts, tenancy, debt collection, extra contractual liability) and industry law.
Dott. Paolo Onofri
Born in Bologna in 1983, he graduated in civil law from the University of Bologna under the supervision of professor Daniela Memmo on “Terms of Citizenship in Sports Contracts". Since 2012 he has been a trainee solicitor.
Dott.ssa Angela Zannella
Born in Foggia in 1984, she graduated in civil law from the University of Bologna under the supervision of professor Daniela Memmo on “Precedents on Legal Guardianship".
Dott.ssa Martina Bernardi
Born in Bologna in 1983, she graduated in international law from the University of Bologna under the supervision of professor Attila Tanzi on "ECHR Role in the Context of Human Rights System of Council of Europe"