Filippo Mazzucato
Born in Bologna in 1973, member of the Bar since 2011 in Bologna.

He graduated in criminal law from the University of Bologna in 2005.
His areas of practice are mainly civil and sports law, mediation, civil and auto accident liability, medical and professional liability, no-profit organizations.
He holds a Sole 24ore master on "International Contracts". In order to study in depth the subject, he was assistant to Professor Flavio Peccinini (holder of the chair of private law) at the University of Bologna.
He is the author of some entries in "Ipertextual Code of Civil Liability" and "Ipertextual Code of Auto Accident Liability" (UTET Giuridica).
He collaborates with Fondazione Forense Bolognese; for this foundation he was speaker at various film discussion groups.
He loves sport; he is a national basketball referee. He loves travelling, photography and coffee.